Strawberries are a very delicious fruit and, of course, as it has often been said here, it is not needed to cook for a long time, it do not benefit in any way and ends up having a rather useless dish. The long-term preparations make it lose some good nutrition and have a lot of time sprinkled with a lot of sugar, it's dehydrated because sugar acts as a catalyst for its dehydration and ends the strawberry dry without juice and taste.
Today we recommend short procedures with a reduced amount of sugar for a 10-minute Spoon Strawberry Sweet. Limit time for this sweet, which is flavored with cloves, honey and sweet Sangria wine.
Today we recommend short procedures with a reduced amount of sugar for a 10-minute Spoon Strawberry Sweet. Limit time for this sweet, which is flavored with cloves, honey and sweet Sangria wine.
work: 5′ | time: 10′ | very easy: |
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![]() Ingredients (∼2 jars of 250g)
![]() Choose strawberries small, ripe, vigorous. Wash them, as they are, under running water. Carefully remove the green crown and if there are some big ones, cut them in two. Put them in a saucepan over medium heat, sprinkle them with sugar and add the cloves. |
![]() Mix gently a couple of times and let the sugar with the strawberry juices melt. Strain as good as you can, clinging lightly to the saucepan. If you need to stir, rotate the pot out of its handles. |
![]() Boil for 3'-4' and add sangria. Allow to evaporate and the strawberry juices begin to coagulate. |
![]() Add the honey, let it for 1' to boil, concentrate the sweet syrup. |
![]() Do not boil much, overall it should take 8'-10', no more. Otherwise they lose their consistency. Remove the saucepan from the fire, pour the lemon juice and fill sterilized jars. |