An epic Pie! Delicious, hearty in a beautiful filo almost handmade.
The process is time consuming in particular the very good cleaning and washing, which are required for the preparation of many herbs and aromatic plants and herbs. The entire process can be done in two stages for convenience. Prepare the vegetables from the previous day, let them drain well all night and the next day continue to complete the pie.
The process is time consuming in particular the very good cleaning and washing, which are required for the preparation of many herbs and aromatic plants and herbs. The entire process can be done in two stages for convenience. Prepare the vegetables from the previous day, let them drain well all night and the next day continue to complete the pie.
work: 3h:00′ | time: 4h:00′ | medium: |

Greek Edible Wild Greens★

One of the basic human foods was the wild greens. Many from these were cultivated in its own space. Today only in a few parts of the world, dishes are served with wild greens. But one of the countries which the weeds have their rightful place at the table, is Greece.
It has been much talk about the Mediterranean diet, which is very different from the Western European and American standards, and is demonstrably healthier. Wild greens are an essential ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, and with good reason. Their fiber is needed for digestion and proper functioning of the intestines. They contain minerals, complex B vitamins, vitamin C, provitamin A (carotene), essential substances in our bodies, do not burden it with fats and their content of carbohydrates and proteins is low. Without therefore to form the basis of our diet, they supplement it. Most of the herbs have medicinal properties and can improve our health and contribute to the restoration of it.
The greens are gifts of nature and there are many of the. The Mediterranean climate and the sun is the cause of their variety. They find ideal conditions for growth and multiplication. Many of the herbs of the Greek Earth can be eaten. Few are those who would disrupt your health and even less are poisonous. So it is good if it is to gather ourselves from the countryside, we need to know some of them.
![]() Ingredients (26 pieces)
![]() Clean the spinach and the other edible greens, cutting the root and any other damaged part they have. Wash and drain in colander. Cut into large pieces in a bowl. Salt them and "knead" with your hand to lose part of the water content. Leave them aside for a while. |
![]() Clean and wash all the other aromatic herbs and drain. Touch a cut surface on a tray or in a large pot and chop thoroughly. |
![]() One by one that you mince pour straight into the hull. Stir well to mix together. |
![]() Take a handful of salted spinach mixture with wild greens and tighten well to drain and lose all the excess water they contain. Add them into the pot with herbs. |
![]() In a bowl, beat the eggs and 5 tablespoons of oil and sprinkle the herb. Mix. |
![]() Add the crumbled feta cheese and mix well to go everywhere. Salt and pepper in moderation. |
![]() Take a round oven dish with Ø38cm (Ø1.25ft) and sprinkle with a little olive oil. Count the filo that the package has and divide 3 for base and 3 for the top to the end. Put one by one 3 of the first filo, well oiled together. |
![]() In the first addition of herbs spread a little more filling to cover the entire filo to the edge. |
![]() On top add one of the filo you kept, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle some of the mixture of herbs. Spread to the entire surface. |
![]() Repeat the same steps, filo-oiling-filling until all you finish all the filos. |
![]() In the final layer place the last 3 filos you kept, well oiled. Scribe the surface into pieces, and spray it with some water. Bake in preheated oven with resistances at 200℃ (392℉, Gas:5.7) on the bottom rack of the oven for 1 hour. |