Delicious Cheese Bread complete and absolute in taste and content. A fluffy puff pastry, stuffed with Greek feta cheese and yellow cheese.
Easy & quick process without any effort, with the end result of this delicious bread, to become our hearty snack or to accompany a plate of pulses on winter days.
The dough can be made from the previous one and put in the fridge or stay on our kitchen counter all night, depending on the weather. The next day we complete the preparation and bake.
Easy & quick process without any effort, with the end result of this delicious bread, to become our hearty snack or to accompany a plate of pulses on winter days.
The dough can be made from the previous one and put in the fridge or stay on our kitchen counter all night, depending on the weather. The next day we complete the preparation and bake.
work: 30′ | time: 3h:30′ | easy: |
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Excerpt from the introduction: «I often wonder what the culmination of cooking is. Are they the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors are the everyday or the rare? They are nothing. Highschooling is neither eating nor cooking, but offering food and companionship…»
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Ingredients (~12 large pieces)
In a large bowl, sift the flour together with the salt, sugar and yeast. |
Make a puddle in the flour & add the warm water. Stir with a wooden spoon… |
… just mix and wet the ingredients. Cover with a transparent film and leave the bowl aside until the dough more than doubles. The inflation time is proportional to the ambient temperature. |
The magical moment when the amorphous mixture of water and flour transforms into a wonderful puffy bread dough thanks to the power of yeast. |
In a fireproof oven dish with dimensions 22x32cm, spread a sheet of non-stick baking paper and empty the contents of the bowl, the puffed dough. |
With our hands and our fingers we spread the dough to go everywhere and cover the base of the refractory utensil. |
Sprinkle with grated Greek feta… |
… the grated yellow cheese and half the butter, cut into small pieces. |
Fold half of the dough and cover the other half. We press with our palms to spread the dough again, this time putting the rest of the butter scattered. |
Sprinkle with sesame seeds the entire surface of the cheese bread. |
Bake on the last grill of the convection oven, at 180℃ 356℉ (Gas Mark ~4) for ~40' or as long as it takes for the cheese bread to turn reddish. |