Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté

Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté
A simple fish fillet boneless, camouflaged in a wonderful soufflé puffed with eggs and cheese. Accompanying the dish is a warm salad of sauteed spinach. A complete and healthy meal with strong and great flavors, pure taste. Time to see the fish otherwise.
We sit at the table and wait with a fork in hand and a lot of impatience. Do not forget, eaten hot!

work: 45′ time: 1h:30′ hard:

Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté

Announcement New Book Release

With great pleasure we inform you that issued the New Book of Kitchen Stories titled «Μεζέδες». It includes a collection of 45 savory recipes for easy and practical everyday food solutions but also quick finger foods for festive table or buffet.

Excerpt from the introduction:
«Αναρωτιέμαι συχνά που είναι το απόγειο της μαγειρικής. Είναι τα πιο φρέσκα υλικά, οι πιο πολύπλοκες γεύσεις είναι το καθημερινό ή το σπάνιο; Δεν είναι τίποτε απ΄όλα αυτά. Το απόγειο δεν είναι ούτε η κατανάλωση του φαγητού ούτε το μαγείρεμα, αλλά η προσφορά του φαγητού και η συντροφικότητα…»

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Ingredients (6 servings)

  • 400g (14.1 oz) fish fillet
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 60g (2.1 oz) butter + a little more for the pan
  • 60g (2.1 oz) flour
  • 400g (14.1 oz) fresh milk, lukewarm
  • 4 eggs
  • 80g (2.8 oz) emmental cheese, grated
  • salt, pepper & nutmeg
In pot and into water, that covers them, put the fish fillets to cook for very little with turmeric and oil. Drain and set aside to cool.
Divide the yolks from the whites and beat the egg whites to stiff meringue. And let this aside or in the refrigerator for a while.
In a small saucepan melt the butter and roast the flour for a while. Add the warm milk and mix with very quick movements of the wire to avoid clotting.
Add the fish crushed with a fork, the grated emmental cheese and the egg yolks slightly beaten. Mix.
Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix with a wooden spoon to be incorporated in the cream.
Finally incorporate the meringue with moves from bottom to top. Remove from the heat.
Pour the cream in a well buttered soufflé dish. Bake with resistors in a preheated oven at 200℃ (392℉, Gas:5.7) for ~20'-25' until cooked, to rise and the surface get golden.
Serve as a first course or as an appetizer, accompanied with salad warm or cold.

Sautéed Spinach

  • 500g (1.1 lbs) spinach cleaned & washed
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lemon juice & zest
  • 1 onion, grated
  • 1 grated tomato
  • salt & pepper
In saucepan, add the oil and onion to dry and polish. Do not fry too much.
In the pot, add the spinach and mix to reduce its volume, to fry and cook in its juices.
Add the lemon juice, salt, pepper and stir.
Finally add the grated tomato, cover the pot and leave the food to be cooked. Serve as an accompaniment to fish souffle.
Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté Fish Soufflé & Spinach Sauté

Author Zambia G. Sifaki